ALBA-TCP rejects inclusion of Cuba in the US list on terrorism

The member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-Peoples’ Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP), strongly reject the absurd and unsustainable inclusion of the sister Republic of Cuba in the list of States Sponsoring Terrorism, by of the Administration of the outgoing Government of the United States of America.

The Alliance reiterates its demand for the immediate exclusion of Cuba from this arbitrary, unilateral procedure, without any justification and politically motivated, whose sole purpose is to continue with the vile economic, commercial and financial blockade applied in a sustained and ruthless manner against that sister nation.

The ALBA – TCP countries ratify the overwhelming rejection of the practice by the US government of claiming the right to issue certifications and lists of countries that supposedly sponsor terrorism, even less when this alleged sentence comes from those who immorally impose military invasions, they sponsor terrorism and promote coups.

The ALBA-TCP recognizes and appreciates the enormous efforts of the sister Republic of Cuba for its cooperation in different areas that have benefited miles of people, being an example of solidarity, altruism and humanism.

Caracas, January 12th, 2021
